Daten der Beispiele
basemap.at - Verwaltungsgrundkarte von Österreich
Bike Trail Tirol
data.gv.at - Wetterstationsdaten Tirol
GeoNames geographical database
Lawinen.report - Lawinenwarndienste Tirol - Südtirol - Trentino
OGD Wien - Fußgängerzonen
OGD Wien - Haltestellen Vienna Sightseeing
OGD Wien - Liniennetz Vienna Sightseeing
OGD Wien - Sehenswürdigkeiten Standorte
Leaflet Homepage
Leaflet API reference
Leaflet Plugins
leaflet.Control.FullScreen (@brunob)
leaflet-elevation (@Raruto)
leaflet-gpx (@mpetazzoni)
leaflet-hash (@mlevans)
leaflet.markercluster (@leaflet)
leaflet.MiniMap (@norkart)
leaflet-providers (@leaflet-extras)
leaflet.Rainviewer (mwasil)
leaflet.reachability (@traffordDataLab)
cdnjs: The #1 free and open source CDN
ColorBrewer: Color Advice for Maps
Colors - A nicer color palette for the web
ConvertCSV.com - Convert CSV To JSON, XML, SQL, …
Font Awesome: Get vector icons and social logos on your website
GitHub: Where the world builds software
Google Fonts: frei verfügbare Webfonts
jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for open source
Map Icons Collection - 1000+ free & customizable icons for maps
Pixabay: Kostenlose Bilder und Videos
RedKetchup: Crop & Resize Images Online
Wikimedia Commons: Bilder der Wikipedia
Codecademy - Online Tutorials
MDN Web Docs - HTML
GIT-Client git-scm
Visual Studio Code Editor